Empowering communities one child at a time.

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    people impacted in education, nutrition, medical and dental assistance

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    Meals prepared daily at the Hogar del Niño.

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    kids between the ages of 0-18 that attend the Hogar del Niño.


Hogar del Niño: an inclusive educational center in La Romana.

The Hogar del Niño opens its doors daily to receive Moore than 2,000 children from newborns to 18 years of age, being the only institution in La Romana and surrounding areas that offers inclusive education, integrating Deaf children and children with special needs. Each student receives 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), medical and dental care, psychological evaluation and support, extracurricular activities such as sports, art, dance, among others.

Our programs

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Becas PBO

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Upcoming Event: Friendsgiving

This year we celebrate the 7th competition for the best turkey in La Romana, in benefit of the Montessori classrooms at the Hogar del Niño, thanks to Cigar Country.

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Success Stories

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Meet our scholarship recipients: Eddyany Génesis Batista Abreu

Eddyany Batista started at Hogar del Niño in the first year of high school...

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From cerebral palsy to entrepreneur.

Junior, a young man who started at Hogar Del Niño in 5th grade...

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Meibi Mota at Young Lions Media: Cannes Dominicana.

The young Meibi Mota studied at Hogar del Niño from Early Childhood...


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Special Delegation of UN Ambassadors visit the Hogar del Niño in La Romana.

La Romana. – A special delegation of 11 Ambassadors of the United NationsLa Romana..

XXVII Fin de Semana Hogar del Niño

The Phyllis Berney Adopt a Crib Dinner

On Saturday, February 24th, Don Papo and Xiomara Menéndez celebrated the traditional "Phyllis Berney Adopt A Crib Program"

McDaniel Annual Tennis Tournament by PBO

XVI Hogar del Niño Graduation

On June 25, the sixteenth Graduation of the Hogar del Niño School and the first graduation of the Hogar del Niño Polytechnic


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